Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Read "The Dog" and comment.


Sparky and Origamimaster said...

The author's purpose was to entertain because it had a problem and solution.

Ninja and James said...

We think the authors purpose it to entertain because it has charaters ,setting,problem and solution,plot.

butterfly and dr139 said...

I think its informing u about a bad dog.

bubblegum said...

I think the passage is to entertain because it was funny and it didn't give any information on anything. It had a charecter plot and a setting ti was fictional.

Queen of Hearts+Kandi said...

I think it is to entertain because it has characters and setting and plot.

sergant said...

It is inform it tells you about a dog.

Revo and Sugerbabies said...

We think it is entertain because it has characters and a problem and a soulotion and it is fiction.

Mrs.RNT and Chad said...

It's entertain because it has characters,setting and plot.

Mr.S and Redone said...

it is entertain because it has a plot,setting,and has characters

dash and wolf360 said...

we think it is entertain because it has characters, a plot, and a setting.

Firefly and Ashely said...

We infer that it is entertain because it has characters,plot, and setting.

sargent said...

It is etertane becus it has a seting,caricters,problem solshen

candy and homework said...

I think it's entertain because it has characters,problem,and resoulution(plot).

Homework Boy and Candy said...

Its entertain because it has characters,problem,and resolution(plot).

kitty and buddy said...

We think it is ENTERAIN because it has a plot and a setting, characters,probelm and solution

Tiger said...

The main purpose was to entertain. The second purpose was to inform because it told you how to take care of a dog that stays up all night.

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