Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17, 2011

Read the passage called The Bad Day by clicking on the hyperlink below. Then make a comment.

The Bad Day


Dash said...

It was to entertain because it had characters, setting, and plot

redone said...

it is entertain because it had characters,setting and plot

candyandshadownight said...

I think its entertain because it has characters and talking about a girl with a dress

JMEP said...

the passage was trying to entertain you.

sugarbabies said...

I think it is entertain because it has characters and a plot,setting and it is tell you how she had a bad hair

Mr.S said...

Entertain. It had charecters and ploblem and souloution

Mrs.RNT said...

It is to entertain cause it has characters,plot,setting

Homework Boy said...

Its entertain because it has characters,plot,problem,resolution, and plot.

george said...

i think it is entertain because there is no facts

bubblegum said...

I think the passage is to entertain because it has charecters, plot, and a setting. It also makes you have emotions.

Queen of Hearts said...

I think it is to Entertain because it gave no facts.

Kitty and Ninja said...

We think the authors purpose was to entertain because it has charchters, plot and setting.

Revo said...

I think it is entertain because it has characters and is fiction.

James said...

Ithink it is entertain because it has caracters and setings.

Halo Rech said...

It is entertain.

Origamimaster said...

The author's purpose was to entertain because it has a plot and characters.

butterfluy said...

I think its entertain because its not informing you or pursaiding you.

Ashely and buddy said...

ENTERTAIN because it has a setting,plot,characters.

chad said...

entertain because it has charsters

Firefly & dr.139 said...

I think it's entertane because, it has characters, a plot and a setting.

pinkpanther said...

i think it was entertain because it had a plot,seting and characters

Skybob said...

entertain because it entertainning you about a girl who had a bad day

puck3 said...

it's entertain

annavk said...

I think the author's purpose is to entertain.

dakota316 said...

it entertain its telling you a funny story

mexican said...

entertain because it had a setting plot and characters

miley said...

it is entertain

hotcheetos said...

the passages was trying to entertain me.

annairda1 said...

It was to ENTERTAIN!

cena2.1 said...

This author's perpose is to in form.

Mr.Bigbuster said...

it was to entertain.

Spiritbomb said...

It was to entertain because it wasn't giving any information or trying to get us to do something.

hotchhetos said...

it was entertain because the dog took the girl's dress it it was kinof funny.

mommies girl said...

I think it is entertain because it had no facts about somehing(inform). And it did not try to make us do something (persuade).

red mist said...

i think it is entertain

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