Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16, 2011

Click on the "Puppies" link below and go to the "Puppies" link and open the file. Make a comment, explain why and you are done!


candy said...

I think its inform because its giveing information about how to take care of a puppie

redone said...

The story was inform because it was telling you facts about puppies

Ninja said...

i think the authors purpose was to inform you because it's giving you facts about puppies!

Dash said...

it was informing you because it was telling you facts and details

shadownight said...

its inform because it giving facts

butterfluy said...

I think its infom becase it tells you the responsibilitiys of takeing care of a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Revo said...

I think it is inform because it tells you how to take care of puppies.

sparky said...

Ithink it;s inform because it gives you steps on how to take care of your puppy.

george said...

i think this passage is inform because it tells you how to take care of a puppy

bubblegum said...

I think the passage is to inform because its teaching you how to take care of a puppy. It dosent give you non true or fictional things.

Queen of Hearts said...

I think it is to inform you about how to take care of puppies!!!

JAMES said...

Ithink itis inform because it is telling you how to take care of a puppy.

dr.139 said...

I think it is inform because, it is telling you how to take care of a dog/puppy.

Homework Boy said...

Its inform because its telling about the responsabillty of having "Puppy(s)".

Mr.S said...

Informative. It told you about puppies and how to take care of them.

JMEP said...

the passage was telling the reader about puppy facts.

Kandi said...

It's inform because it's telling you about puppies.

Mrs.RNT said...

It is to imform cause it is telling you imformation about taking care of the dog.

Origamimaster said...

The author's purpose was to inform because it tells you how to take care of your dog.

chad said...

it is inform because they tell you how you should take care of a puppy

sugarbabies said...

I think it is inform because it is teaching you how to care the puppys

sargent said...

inform it tells you about puppies.

kandi and sparky said...

We think it's entertain because it tells a story with charaters, setting, and plot.

Skybob said...

inform because it gives information about puppies and how to take care of them

dakota316 said...

its inform about what you need to do with a puppy

puck3 said...

it's to inform.

annavk said...

I think the author's purppose is to inform.

Spiritbomb said...

I think it is to inform because it tells you what to do for a puppy

miley said...

it is entertain

annairda1 said...

I think it is to ENTERTAIN!

dear amaricans said...

i think its inform because its giveing information about how to take of a puppie.

Mr.Bigbuster said...

to inform us aabout taking care of a puppy.

red mist said...

i think it is inform.

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