Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chad's Chihuahua

Please read Chad's Chihuahua and respond. Don't forget to tell why.



Mr.S said...

Entertain. It had a charecter,plot, and problem and souloution

redone said...

it is entertain because it has a plot,setting,characters.

candy said...

I think its entertain because it has a characters plot and it talkes about a squrel getting stuck thats what i think.

Dash said...

It was to entertain because it has plot, setting, and characters.

angle said...

me and my panter think is is enterain

Revo said...

I think it is entertain because it is fiction and has characters and there is a plot.

Mr.S said...

Entertain. It told about how Chads (charecter)chiwawa got his head got stuck(problem) and how he got it out(soloution).

miley zrider259 said...

entertan becouse its funny

Skybob and Pepper said...

entertain because its trying to entertain you with a story about a dog who gets hi head stuck when it tries to kill a squirrel

prettygirl1&mrbigbuster said...

my partner and i think it is in

Kitty and Ninja said...

We think the authors purpose was to entertain because charcters, plot, setting.

pinkpanther and angel11 said...

me and my panter think it is entertain

sugarbabies said...

I think it is persuade because it has characters, a plotand it has a setting and it was trying to tell you a will go run and get something

sugarbabies said...

I think it is persuade because it has characters, a plotand it has a setting and it was trying to tell you a will go run and get something

sparky said...

I think it's entertain because it had characters ,setting ,and plot

annavk and cena2.1 said...

The author's purpose is to entertain.

-annavk and cena2.1

butterfluy said...

I think its was entertain........

DAKOTA316 AND annairda1 said...


angle2010 and puck3 said...

it's to entertain because it was funny.

kandy and hotcheetos said...

it is to entertain because it had feelings like sad and happy.

mommies girl and smiley face girl said...

My partner and I think that the author is trying to entertain us.
We think that because the story made us laugh.

Mr.bigbuster & prettygirl1 said...

we mean entertain

Kandi :-D said...

It's Entertain, it made me laugh.

Mrs.RNT said...

It is entertain because it has a character,setting,plot

Homework Boy said...

Entertain because it has a plot, problem, resolution,and characters.

dragonL? and Spiritbomb said...

Entertain because there was a charater and plot.

JMEP said...


Wolf360 said...

I think it is entertain because it has characters, a plot and a setting.

Queen of hearts and Origamimaster said...

I think it is entertaining you with a good story about a dog that got stuck in a fence.

Ashely and buddy said...

entertain because it has characters and plot setting and it is talking about a kids chihuahua and he is so happy!!!!!

shadownight said...

I think its entertain because it made me laugh

bubblegum said...

I think the passage is to entertain because it has charecters, plot, and setting. It also is funny.

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