it is inform because she is telling you about a boy named jon that singgs very well and that he is shy and he sings the way home or to the bus and that it is wonderful
We think the passage is to entertain because it was makebelieve and fiction.The author was telling you about how the was a good singer but that was her opinion so the passage is to entertain.
It's entertain,because it had plot,characters,setting,and emotion.It also was not trying to sell you something or give you facts about something or someone.
We think its entertain because its telling you about a boy who sings but,he is shy,quiet,he never sings or hums at school,and isn't in chior. It also is entertain because has characters,a plot, and a setting.
it is inform because it informs you about about Jon and his is not intertain because entertain because entertain has a plot,setting,chacters and is not persaude because it is not trying to make you be a better singer
I think its entertain because it doesnt sound like it was real and the cartoon pcture doesnt look ilke it was real either.
i think it was inform cause it tells you about jon
this was entertain because there not telling you about anything or trying to get you to by something.
baeEnetertain because it is telling you a story about something fiction.
it is inform cause it tells about a kid that likes to sing to and from school named jon
i think it's to entertain because the story is tellin you about kid that sings
This story is entertain because the people in it are not real.
I think it is entertain because it tells you about a boy that sings.
I think the authors purpose is to persuade you to beleive that Jon sings really good even though he is quiet
its to entertain you with a fictional story about a singer that very talented.
Entertain becuase its telling you that hes a good singer.
I thinklz iT was inform.
inform the reader about j
I think it is inform because it talks about a singer.
to inform the reader about jon and how he sings
it is inform because she is telling you about a boy named jon that singgs very well and that he is shy and he sings the way home or to the bus and that it is wonderful
it is prisued to sing.i sing whan i get brod at home.
I think it was to inform because it was taking about one thing only.
I think it is persuad, because it is trying to get you to beleive john is a good singer.
Entertain. It didn't try to sell or inform you.
entertain because there is caraters, plot, setting
We think it's entertain because it's fiction and a plot.
I think the authors purpose is to entertain because it's Fiction and it gives you charcters,plot,setting, problem and soultion.
We think the passage is to entertain because it was makebelieve and fiction.The author was telling you about how the was a good singer but that was her opinion so the passage is to entertain.
It's entertain,because it had plot,characters,setting,and emotion.It also was not trying to sell you something or give you facts about something or someone.
Me and my partner think its entertain because it has characters a setting and plot and its fiction.
it is inform because it tells facts about Jon.
it is inform because it tells facts about Jon.
to entertain it talks about his singing.
i infer that it is entertain because it has characters and it is telling a story.
We think its entertain because its telling you about a boy who sings but,he is shy,quiet,he never sings or hums at school,and isn't in chior. It also is entertain because has characters,a plot, and a setting.
It's entertain because it says it is "fiction" on the top of the page.
Inform because its telling that hes a good singer its not entertain because its not a story and its not trying to sell a product
I think it is inform because it was informing us that jon is the best singer in the school.
it entertain because its not informational or persuasive
we think it is entertain because it doesnt sound real-and it is talking about a lil boy was singing.
we think it is entertain because
it was telling us a story.
entertian it tells real facks
It is entertain becuse it has character.
the is to entertain beacause its funny.
It is entertain becuse it has character.
i think its entertan
this is from zrider259
novembers comment was to entertain cause its telling us a tale.... posted by pepper
i think it was to entertain
by cena2.1
my parnter and i think it is to entertain us
I think it is entertain cause it tells a story.
Entertain because they try to you feel something.
i think its to entertain because its not trying to make you do somthing and it not telling you somthing informatoinal
i think it is to persuade because it is telling you that he can sing.
i think it is entertain
It doesn't give you any facts about anything, and its not trying to tell you the good facts. ( :P few hard
It's inform because it tells you about how Jonn acts.
it is inform because it informs you about about Jon and his is not intertain because entertain because entertain has a plot,setting,chacters and is not persaude because it is not trying to make you be a better singer
I think the passage is to entertain because it has charecters ,plot, and a setting.It is fictional.
it is to entertain.
this was the same as nov 4
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