Read the passage about "JIM" at the bottom of the Wed. link screen. Pick the author's purpose and explain why. Don't answer any questions. Just make the comment.
i think its entertain it do not want you to do anything and its not giving you facts
I think it's entertain because it has characters,settting,plot and it doesn't give us facts and it doesn't have anything to do with selling you something.
I think it is entertain because it has characters,a plot,and a setting and its not trying to get you to do something and it isn't giving you facts about something.
entertain because it has caricters and because it says he cant sleap because he is so ecsided and because it is his birth day and it is James
it is entertain because it has a plot,setting,chactacters and emotions. it is not inform because it don't give you facts about someone or something. it is also not persaud because it don't is not tying to make you do something
i think its entertain it do not want you to do anything and its not giving you facts
I think it is to entertain because it talking about a boy brithday.
its entertain
it was to entertain because it was trying to make us feel something.
To entertain.
this passage is to entertain because its not giveing us info or asking us to buy something
from pepperand cena2.1
my parnter and i think it is to entertain us.
noveber the 4th passage was the same as noveber the 3rd
from pepper
This story is informing you to like yourself for who you are.
november 5th passage was to entertain because it was not asking us to buy something
my parnter and i think it is to entertain us.
november 8th passage was to inform it was giveing us info
Im not sure i think it is inform
I think the authurs puprose is to entertain because it tells us about a boys birthday party will be ruined
it is to entertain
its inform:].....
i think it tells you about differnt athours purpose
i think it was to entertain but not at first at first the kid was sad.
I think its entertain because its telling you about jim and how his birth day would end up like.
I think it's purswade because there is a character "Jim" and his problem is he cant go sleding. :-)
I think its entertain because it has a setting,main charecter,plot,problem and soulsen.
It is entertain because it has a plot,setting,problem and a solution.
I think it's entertain because it has characters,settting,plot and it doesn't give us facts and it doesn't have anything to do with selling you something.
I think it is entertain because it has characters,a plot,and a setting and its not trying to get you to do something and it isn't giving you facts about something.
The author's purpose was to entertain because there was a problem and a solution.
I think its entertain because It had a plot, charecters, and a setting. Also because it didn't try to sell you something or tell you about something.
I think it is to entertain because it is not giving you facts.And it's not trying to sell you something.
the passage is trying to entertain you.
It is to entertain, because it has plot, characters, and setting. it was not trying to make you buy something or give facts.
Entertain because it makes you feel a emotion it cant be the others because its not non-fiction and its not trying to sell a product.
The Author's purpose is to entertain because it had a plot and just a boy having a celebration.
i think its entertain because it has a charachter and a plot and talked about jim.
I think entertain because it is telling about a boy and his birhday and it is not trying sell you something.
I think its entertain because it has a characters and a setting.
I think it is entertain because it is fiction and it has characters.
It is enertain because there is a plot setting chareters.
I think the passage is to entertain because it does not give you facts about something or try to sell you something.It had a problem and a solution.
I think it's entertan becus it has careicters.
I infer that it is entertain because is has people telling a story about Jim and how sad he was when the snow melted and it snowed agian.
inrorm that it is inentertain because it has carters and a polt and a hading and titel end intrdon.
entertain because it has caricters and because it says he cant sleap because he is so ecsided and because it is his birth day and it is James
It's entertane because it has charectres and a plot
we think it is entertain because it was telling you about a boy thinking he was not haveing his sleding party for his birthday.
I think it is entertain because its not giving you facts and not trying to convince you to do something.
I think it is entertain because it tells you about Jim and his sledding b-day party.
I think it is entertain because it is not trying to get you to do something or giving you factual facts.
It is to Entertain because it tells you funny stuff.
I think it was to entertain because it was about a celebration and it was talking about somebody's feelings.
its to entertain.
pepper cena2.1 said...
this passage is to entertain because its not giveing us info or asking us to buy something
pepper said...
noveber the 4th passage was the same as noveber the 3rd
its entertain
november 5th passage was to entertain because it was not asking us to buy something
I think it is entertain, because it dont give you facts.
I think it is entertain, because it dont give you facts.
I think it is entertain, because it dont give you facts.
I think it is entertain, because it dont give you facts.
entertain cause it tells u about jims brithday
its is entertain it dos not want you to do anything and its not giving you facts
I think its entertain because its not givin you imfo and its not persuade because its not telling me to buy any thing.
I think it is Entertain it is his B-Dathat is what i think .
I think it is entertain because it talks about someone going sleding
it is inform because it is about a boy that whantstogosledingno his b
I think it is to Entertain because it is telling you about a boy and it is fiction. it also has plot,characters,setting.
I think it is entertain because it not trying to tell you to do something or it's not giving you facts.
It's entertain
inform because it is telling you about aothres porpes.
it is entertain because it has a plot,setting,chactacters and emotions. it is not inform because it don't give you facts about someone or something. it is also not persaud because it don't is not tying to make you do something
I think it is entertain because it has characters, a setting, and a plot.
i think it is entertain from genius
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