Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Nov. 05, 2010 Task

Read link. Choose author's purpose. Comment and explain.


Ashely said...

it is entertain, because it has a plot,setting,characters,and is not trying to sell you something or give you facts about someone or something

JMEP said...

The passage is trying to entertain you.

sargent said...

I thing it is Etertan bcuse it has character.

Revo said...

I think it is entertain because it has characters.

dr.139 said...

I think it is entertane because, it has cariters, a setting and a plot.

butterfly said...

I think its entertain because it has a plot,setting,charecter,problem and souluein.

Ninja said...

I think the authors purpose is entertain because it has charchters,setting,plot,and problem and soultion.

JC said...

I think te author's purpose is to entertain because it had plot and said its fiction.

James said...

entertain because it is talking aboute James

kitty said...

imfrorm that it is intran because it has carters a plout hading and a slosen.

annavk and annairda1 said...

The author's purpose is to Entertain because its trying to make you feel something.

-annavk and annairda1

spiritbomb and angel2010 said...

the story was to entertan and it was trining to make you feel somthing.

spiritbomb and angel2010 said...

the story was to entertan and it was trining to make you feel somthing.

dakota316 and Mr.Bigbuster said...

the passage is trying to entertain you.

Skybob said...

its entertain because it doesnt inform or persuade you

hot-tammale,and redmist said...

me and my partner think it is to entertain us because its telling about a first trip going out of state!!!

zrider259 said...

its entertan

secret agent man said...

i think it is entertain

Anonymous said...

my partner & i think it is to entertain us to go on a plane out of state.

smiley face girl said...

it is entertain

miley and cena2.1 said...

entertain because they were
going out of there state.

dragonL? said...


pepper said...

this passage was to entertain cause it was not giveing us info or asking us to buy something

Mr. S said...

Entertain. had a plot and rising action, charecters.

Queen of Hearts said...

I think it is to Entertain because it has plot,characters,setting.

Kandi said...

It's entertain because it' fiction.

shadownight said...

i think its to entertain because theres a plot characters and a setting.

Dash said...

To entertain you about trips and being out of the state.

sparky said...

It's entertain because it has a charcter (narrator,tina,mom,dad)setting(airport)and plot(he's going to his cosion's house but he has to ride a plane to get there).

wolf360 said...

its entertain because it has characters,a plot, a setting and it doesn't give facts about something and it isn't trying to get you to do something.

Homework Boy said...

Entertain because its fiction so its fake.

bubblegum said...

I think the passage is to entertain because its not giving you facts or trying to sell you something.It is fictional.

candy said...

I think its entertain because it had a plot and a character.

OrigamiMaster said...

It is entertain because it had a plot and characters.

redone said...

It is entertain because it has a plot,setting and characters.

redone said...

It is entertain because it has a plot,setting and characters.

firefly said...

it is entertain because it has a plot,setting, and characters.

genius said...

we think it is entertain

genius said...

i think it is entertain from genius

kandy said...

it was tro entertain.:)

pinkpanther said...

i think its to entertan

sugarbabies said...

I think it is entertain because it has is not trying to selling you something or giveyou facts or somthing.

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