Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Read Campfire Story and comment.


kitty and buddy said...

ENTERTAIN because it has setting,characters,plot.

butterfly and dr139 said...

I think its persaude because its trying to get you to believe them.

Ninja and James said...

We think the authors purpose was to entertain because it has charcaters and setting,plot.

Kandi + Queen Of Hearts said...

We think that it's entertain because they made us laugh.

Origamimaster AND Sparky said...

The author's purpose was to entertain because it was funny and had characters and a plot.

Dash and wolf360 said...

It was entertain because it had characters, plot, and setting.

Homework Boy and Candy said...

We think its entertain because its trying to make you amotion.

redone and mr.s said...

iT iS Entertain because it has a plot setting and a main character

Chad Mrs.RNT said...

its entertain because there are charecters and its funny

Firefly and A said...

i infer that it is entertain because it has a setting, characters, plot and emotions.

bubblegum and shadownight said...

We think its entertain because it made us have emotions. It also had some fictioinal things.

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