Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

Read the passage "Worm Sandwich" and make a comment.


Janes and Ninja said...

We think the authors purpose was to entertain because chartaters/dogs and settings and problem solution.

Kandi + Queen Of Hearts said...

We think that it's entertain because it maid us laugh.

butterfluy and dr139 said...

I think its entertain

sugarbabies and revo said...

We think it is entertain because it is nonfiction, it has characters, and a setting.

bubblegum and shadownight said...

We think the passage is entertain because its funny and charecters, plot, and setting.

Origamimaster and Sparky said...

It's entertain because the dog ate a worm sandwich and spit it out that's so funny.

Dash and wolf360 said...

It was to entertain, because it has plot, characters, and setting.

KittyAND REDONE said...

We know that it is entertain because it has a plot,and setting and characters.


the passage was mainly trying to entertian the reader.

buddy and mr.s said...

ENTERTAIN because it is talking about a dog getting trick him....... :)

Chad and Mrs.Rnt said...

Its inform because the dog has a name.

Firefly and Ashely said...

it was entertain because it has character,setting,and plot.

Candy and Homework Boy said...

Entertain because the author is trying make you laugh.

hailo reach sargent said...

To inform the reader to eat worm sandwiches.

candy said...

I think its persuade because its telling you to try to fix the signal lights because there been alot of acidents in the last two weeks.=]

mexican said...

I think it is entertain because it is funny

zrider259 said...

i think it was entertain

hot-tammale said...

i think it trys to entertain me....

Mr.Bigbuster said...

it is to entertain.

pasword said...


dakota316 said...

its entertain it tyelling you a funny story

dragonL? said...

entertain because it made me laph

Skybob said...

entertain because it wasnt trying to inform or persuade

miley said...

it is entertain, inform

angels2010 said...

i think it is to entertain

pinkpanther said...

i think it was entertain

annavk said...

I think the author's purpose is to entertain.

puck3 said...

to entertain

smiley face girl said...

it is entertain because it made me laugh

Spiritbomb said...

It was to entertain because its not giving info or trying to persuade you.

red mist said...

i think it is entertain

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