Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday Nov. 04, 2010 Task

Read link. Choose author's purpose. Comment and explain.


Dragon'sMouth and Hi said...

same as yasteday.:]

Root Beer said...

it is to entertain because its telling you about a boy how is shy at school but he is not shy when he walks to and from school.

Ashely said...

it is entertain,because it has a plot,setting and it's not trying to sell you something or give you facts about someone or something

Ninja and kitty said...

I think the author's purpose is to entertain because it gives you chacters, plot,setting, and problem and solution.

JMEP said...

It was to entertain.

Wolves1 said...

I think its entertain because the people in the story dont seem like their real and there is a cartoon picture thatw someone drew and it doesnt sound anything like it would be persuade but some people migh think its inform because thier talking about how good jon sings though.

JC said...

The auther's purpose was to entertain because it was telling how good he can sing and it had a plot and it had said fiction at the top.

Revo said...

I think it is entertain because it has characters and it is fiction.

Mrs.RNT and Queen of Hearts said...

it is to entertain becase it has a setting,characters,plot and it is not trying to sell you something or give you facts about someone or something

dr.139 said...

I think it is entertane because, it has caricters, a setting and a plot.

sergant said...

entertane bcuse it has carikters/ setings.

Mcandygirl15 said...

I think it was yo inform because it was talking about one thing only.

footballplayer1 said...

i think it was to entertain readers.

MW2MASTER! said...

I think it was to inform because it was talking about one thing only.

Lollipop said...

I think it is inform,because it is telling us how good jn is at singing.

buddy said...

entertain because there is a plot setting careters

James said...

inform because it says he is a good singer and that sounds like it is trying to inform kids .to sing by James

Skybob said...

its entertain

Spiritbomb and secret agent man said...

we think it was entertain because it was telling us a story.

smiley face girl said...


dakota316 and Mr.bigbuster said...

entertain same as yasteday

puck3 mexican said...

its to entertain because its funny.

Anonymous said...

my parnter an i think it is to entertain us.

cena2.1 said...

this passage is the same as november 3th c0mment.


dragonL? said...

entertain sbecause its not giving facts and its not giving facts.

annairda1 said...

It is entertain cause it tells a story.

annavk and angel2010 said...

It's to Entertain

redmist said...

i think it is to entertain you about a boy singing

Queen of Hearts said...

I think it is to persuade because they are trying to say that if yo heard him he is a good singer.

thing 1 said...

i think it is inform .

genius said...

we think it is entertain from genius

miley said...

persuaed you to sing.

kandy said...

it was to entertain.

pinkpanther said...

i think its to entertan

kitty said...

it is inform because it has caters and a plout

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